Live Stream of the Funeral of Bishop P.Esterka on 9/24 in the Czech Republic

The last farewell to the Emeritus Bishop of Brno, Mons. ThDr. Petr Esterka, who died after a long illness in California (USA) on August 10, 2021, will be held at Holy Mass on Friday, September 24, 2021. Brno - At 9.30 there will be a service in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul with the participation of the Brno diocesan bishop Vojtěch Cikrle to preside over the apostolic nuncio in the Czech Republic Mons. Charles Daniel Balvo.

Live Stream of the Funeral of Bishop P.Esterka on 9/24 in the Czech Republic2025-01-25T13:53:05-08:00

The Final Farewell For The Most Reverend Petr Esterka, S.T.D.,D.D. in California

Mons. ThDr. Petr Esterka died in the morning on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 in California (USA). California compatriots said goodbye to him at Christ Cathedral in Orange County at Mass. on August 20, 2021. After this farewell, the bishop was transferred to the Czech Republic. After a funeral mass in Brno, Petrov and his birthplace in Dolní Bojanovice, he will be buried in the local cemetery.

The Final Farewell For The Most Reverend Petr Esterka, S.T.D.,D.D. in California2025-01-25T13:53:05-08:00

Pohřeb pana biskupa Petra Esterky / Bishop’s Petr Esterka Funeral Arrangements

Milí krajané, všechny Vás srdečně zdravím z našeho českého Velehradu zde v Kalifornii. Jak už jste asi slyšeli a víte, v úterý 10. srpna 2021 v ranních hodinách byl povolán Nejvyšším Veleknězem a Stvořitelem do věčného domova ve věku 85 let náš dlouholetý pastýř, biskup a misionář Mons. Petr [...]

Pohřeb pana biskupa Petra Esterky / Bishop’s Petr Esterka Funeral Arrangements2025-01-25T13:53:05-08:00

Bishop Peter Esterka is celebrating “85” !!!

Petr Esterka was born on 14 November 1935 in Dolní Bojanovice near Hodonín. He attended the Episcopal Grammar School in Brno, where he experienced Operation K in April 1950 - the violent destruction of male monastic orders. He managed to complete his secondary education after several attempts, at an eleven-year school in Hodonín in 1956. He worked as a career at Lignum; he was interrogated by State Security for his opinions and convictions.

Bishop Peter Esterka is celebrating “85” !!!2025-01-25T13:53:06-08:00

Our Lady of the Rosary

Many religions use beads to keep track of prayers. Our Rosary, a circle of beads, is like a garland offered to Mary because we pray a prayer on each bead. This well-loved prayer has its roots in the 150 psalms. People who couldn’t read began praying  150 Hail Marys instead, the equivalent of three of our modern rosaries covering the original three sets of mysteries.

Our Lady of the Rosary2025-01-25T13:53:07-08:00

Dear countrymen, sisters and brothers!

I cordially greet you all from Velehrad in California. After a long waiting period for a work permit, I arrived on Thursday, January 30th. So I’m finally here with you, and I’m looking forward to meeting you personally. If you are unable to attend our common services, please call, and [...]

Dear countrymen, sisters and brothers!2025-01-25T13:53:08-08:00

Father Dennis Kriz speaks for the dead and downtrodden

You can read the original article at the Los Angeles Times website. Father Kriz is our hosting priest who serves our Czech community in his spare time and actively participates in our events.    “I have seen the possibility that I could lose my job here,” Kriz said. “I’m thinking [...]

Father Dennis Kriz speaks for the dead and downtrodden2025-01-25T13:53:09-08:00

Introducing Father Zdenek Kriz

Let us introduce you to Fr.Zdenek Kriz, a member of the Servite order, who is currently pastor of St Philip Benizi Parish in Fullerton. He speaks Czech as well as English and Spanish, and has agreed to say some of our Czech Masses, beginning in November at the Polish Center, [...]

Introducing Father Zdenek Kriz2020-04-30T11:23:12-07:00
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